Wednesday, July 23, 2008

guitar ted's death ride invitational 2008

guitar ted is the head promoter of the transiowa race. that race is held in early spring and consists of 300+ miles of gravel roads navagated by a series of 'cue sheets'. he is assisted by a serious right hand man and a series of volunteers when the event draws near. he loves gravel and so do i. the TI will be in it's 5th year if it goes off again this spring. mother nature willing. i've attempted but not finished V2 and V4. i completed V3 in 2007, 340 miles in 33 hrs, pink sean crafted single speed flat bar nanoraptors camelback tights and long sleeve LED light.

g-ted puts on a ride as well about this time of year. just a ride. he puts together a route and we all stick together. gravel roads. small towns. rolling hills. peace and quiet. 100 miles or so. two years ago it was 152. depends on the route and the fitness of g-ted. it was fun. photo by guitar ted.

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