Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Heart Fall
Cyclocross racing is sweet when there's no mud...
Even an off-road triathlon is fun when you go to Phoenix and race in warm sun in October
(even though I can barely swim I got 2nd place overall!)
Finally I got my Pro DH upgrade...Sean will you build me a downhill bike?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Cross Crusade #8
Cross Crusade #8 (the championship) proved fairly muddy. And when I say fairly muddy, I mean really ridiculously muddy.Like three-foot high mud puddles (or for all I know, they could have just been gigantic cow patties). And all I had to show for it was a bit of splattered mud. I suppose its the experience of actually getting muddy that counts.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cross Crusade Cyclocross Racing
Well, I tried out Cyclocross for the first time. I went to the third Cross Crusade race at Mt. Rainier High School in Washington.The result was...A BLAST. Cyclocross is crazy fun (not as fun as sitting on your saddle for a 40-mile Sea Otter race, though.) It was dry and fast, which did no represent Northwest Cyclocross racing very well (the dry part at least), but little did I know, I would soon experience the mud. I then went to the Cyclocross Championships at the Washington County Fairgrounds, which was essentially an old rodeo arena complete with barns and cattle guards. I rode through one side of a barn, out the other, and next thing I know I am in three feet of mud. Well, let's just say my body was pretty muddy and cranky by the end of the day (complete with riding thirty minutes back to school from where my ride dropped me off). My Voodoo Wazoo was even less happy. Aside from being smeared and plastered with mud, the drive train sounded like it wanted to start spitting bolts and chain pins out at me. I think its time to hop on a Soulcraft Cyclocross frame (with some new parts, of course)... I am planning to do the next few local Cyclocross races through OBRA, even though the Cross Crusade series is over. I can't wait until next year! I hope I can start getting some pictures of my own, but for now the ones other people people are taking will get the job done (Just joking, they take pretty sweet pictures).
Monday, November 3, 2008
CXSR #2 - Youth Community Park: November 1st, 2008
In true Belgian spirit and weather conditions, the RedNeck and I represented Soulcraft at Bike Monkey's second cyclo-cross race out of the CXSR series that had us smiling the whole time as we suffered like kids out in swampy marshes. Just getting out there was showing commitment enough, but it turned out to be great fun riding through mud at pegged heart rates. It certainly did not start out that way as the only motivator for getting my ass out there to join RedNeck's unquestionable commitment was my wife's accusations of being a total whimp.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
mw in fruita
Here's Matt Wills on Joe's Ridge last weekend in Fruita, CO on his SS drop bar Holy Roller. More photos can be seen by clicking this here link.
Monday, October 6, 2008
ABC Fall Tour de Trash Rides are set for Oct 18
New member of the Soulcraft Family?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
ponca 2008
for the last 4 years a group of lincolnites have ridden from lincoln,ne to ponca,ne. all gravel roads, pretty much striaght north. leave early morn, get there before sunset. stay in a group all day. camp that night and drive back with some friends that drive up the day before with our gear. it's between 155 and 165 miles depending on where you're leaving from in town.
this year it took 16hrs to go north. and this year a few of us agreed to ride home. and that took 14hrs. we cheated a bit with some highway shoulder but 310miles in two days nonetheless.
thanks for cornbread for the pics. i broke my saddle on the way up and had to shim it with a wad of duct tape between the saddle shell and the top of the seatpost. of course, it failed at mile 30. so the rest of the way on a ride-able but painful saddle. i switched it out to a friend's saddle that his wife drove up since she was camping too. the tire lever fix was my first attempt. it didn't work well.
i've got the route on a series of maps i printed from garmin software. it shows all the gravel and paved roads. pretty much a big grid untill you get up north or around the platte river. in 4 years i have the route pretty much in my head, but i like to check it alot so we don't get off track and waste a bunch of daylight.
we'll try to keep this as an yearly event. it sure is a good time.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
guitar ted's death ride invitational 2008
guitar ted is the head promoter of the transiowa race. that race is held in early spring and consists of 300+ miles of gravel roads navagated by a series of 'cue sheets'. he is assisted by a serious right hand man and a series of volunteers when the event draws near. he loves gravel and so do i. the TI will be in it's 5th year if it goes off again this spring. mother nature willing. i've attempted but not finished V2 and V4. i completed V3 in 2007, 340 miles in 33 hrs, pink sean crafted single speed flat bar nanoraptors camelback tights and long sleeve LED light.
g-ted puts on a ride as well about this time of year. just a ride. he puts together a route and we all stick together. gravel roads. small towns. rolling hills. peace and quiet. 100 miles or so. two years ago it was 152. depends on the route and the fitness of g-ted. it was fun. photo by guitar ted.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Escaping on a Thursday, chauffeuring my dentist and a doctor, we made our way to Downieville to suck some smoke. Despite the air quality, Friday's pre - race run was flattening. Wrong tire choice.Used tires of mysterious origin.Too thin skinned.Beer resulted in salvation. Next concern was morning deposits. As our campsite was a complete poach we had to scout blue rooms and wait for neighbors to mosey on to other adventures. Thank you fox forks. The Frenchman arrived with buckets of food and promises of buying my old bike. Early Saturday morning, the usual dawn scury/furry/ hurry for breakfast, deposits, bike preping, loading, etc.Off to Sierra City for the start. A mob of faces old and new in a sold out show. Larry Hibberd parted the waters, helping my start go smoothly in an otherwise cluster*uc*. 3000 feet up no conversations. Cresting the hill never felt so good. Rarely have I ever had the opportunity to watch such down hill talent, inspiring me to ride beyond my tires capacity.They lasted two-thirds of the way down the hill before the rear gave it up.In the mean time I caught Mr. Hibberd on the down hill, staying with him over the crest to third divide where he allowed the pass. 5 minutes later I flatted.Many went by (including Mr. Hibberd).Rolling again, regaining the groove, not long before spotting Larry with similar tire issues I went by and flatted again one minute later. To close to the finnish to bother with any repairs period. No supplies left anyway. I rode the flat tire out of the woods to the pavement where it finally became unridable. Fan on sideline with sharp knife sliced off tire and tube and sent me onto Master's Glory. Too bad about the rim. Drank many pain killers.Received fat crome bag of swag.Edibles,Wearables and Inspirationals via SOULCRAFT are huge and appreciated. Thanks for keeping it real. - George
Posted by stinkbomb at 8:01
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Flagstaff Kids Camp
We're lucky to live in places where kids have opportunities to ride bikes at such young ages...can you imagine how fast we all could be if we started at age 8?
The highlight of the whole clinic for me was getting these tiny little 10-year-old twin girls to do a monster log ride. We spotted them the whole time, and they rode the whole thing! That was pretty awesome.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I'm Baaack!
Friday, July 11, 2008
2008 Summit Center Classic
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Skyline SSWC warm-up
Oh, and Ario...thanks for the shove. Thankfully the cliff wasn't too big.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
long over due update
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
He's my Dad....
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Late Sea Otter Pics
This was a really fun Sea Otter (and my first racing for Soulcraft). The pictures of the Chile Challenge
Mountain State Cup race in New Mexico (which was not quite as fun, due to altitude sickness and other factors)
will be up soon. Also, I took a trip to france to ride bikes with my brother. I'l put up pics from that as well.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
My favorite trail
So it's been fun...Thanks to Our Grand Director for sending out the awesome care package, it was exactly what I needed! And damn, but do white glasses make me look fast.
Monday, June 16, 2008
"Hail" to the Grand Puba
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Backroads are cleaner now... or are they?
Even your Director Sportif, the Grand Pubbha, took time out of his busy schedule to help out, Bob Trailer and all. The help we received was also rewarding as the number of kids that participated in collecting the litter from I-street made all the difference.
Having said all this, thanks to all the cyclists out there making a difference for our cherished back roads and giving back to the community that allows us to have the opportunity to ride on beautiful roads. So next time you see a milk truck or hay baler out there make sure you wave goodbye, chances are that they will wave back. You know, the Soulcraft way.
Oh and by the way, I rode up my secret little steep pitch training ride this morning. Guess what I found at the top of the mountain overlooking beautiful Petaluma? Another dump site with nothing less than 20 bicycles and 50 or so rims sitting in the ditch by the road. What are we going to do with these guys?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
08 Howarth Park Dirt Crits
Once again it's time to put it all on the line for local bragging rights. The Wednesday Night Dirt Crits are returning to Howarth Park in Santa Rosa. Check it out y'all.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
NorCal High School Season, etc.
I take off for France on June 11th. The results (as requested by Director Sporty)
are as follows: Race #1 - Fort Ord: 7th place
Race # 2 - Folsom Lake: 4th place
Race #3 - Grant's Ranch: 2nd place
Race #4 - Fort Ord #2: 1st place
Race #5 - Carrera Del Toro: 4th place
Race #6 - Bogg's Mountain State championships: 1st place
Its been a pretty successful season, and I'm hoping to continue racing as much as possible
during the summer. Unfortunately, with Sea Otter being what it was, expectations are a bit high, but I suppose that's
just life. And by the way, give me a call if you're riding in West Marin over the summer months, 'cause I'll be there
(as will George Hope), and both of us will pretty much ride anytime. Home: (415) 669-7652 or cell: (415) 233-3883
Friday, April 25, 2008
My Cohutta 100
Anyhow the late start coupled with the passing has me taxed a bit more than I should be cranking. I am into the 2nd coming into the 3rd hour, and spending a bit to much time in the red zon. I know that I should slow down, and ride now for what is coming. But the pressure is on, and being the good Pavlov's dog I am .... A bell was rung so I must CHASE.
I knew when I was getting close to the mid 50's that there was a big downhill coming. The downhill would lead to a flat section with some rolling climbs. Then to a good steep climb, then the last single-track. At any chance I could, I would make up time on the descents. Once the big one came I let it all hang out and hit the jets. I was using up all the road, which was a bit risky when several times I would encounter cars coming up hill at us. The road bed was somewhat gravel making the big corners and bit of a trick at high speed. But that kept me focused and in the game. I had a job to do... I was in the zone for most of the descent till I came around one corner and got into the deep gravel on the outside of the corner. Now here I am in a jam. To my left was a long steep slope that would not do me well ...and falling to save it a this speed was not an option. So I used the body English and rode the razor's edge to a stop. Leaving behind me a long track .... and a good pucker factor. I did not pause long.... I had a job to do.
To those of you that know me well, you would understand that I am the most barn sour horse you could ride with. When I can feel the end, something kicks in gear and I find that extra bit of punch. This race was no different, with exception of the let down.
I have not talked about my feeds but here his a brief synopsis. I pass through the first aid station, onto the second. There Mel Black gave me two bottles and some food. I pressed on and was going to see her at the other aid stations. But since Will was out killing the course she was forced to keep pace with him. So I just used what they offered, which was ample, and made my own way.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Spring 08 Tour de Trash is set
Looks like we are a go on May 11 for the 6th edition of the ABC Rides. Team Soulcraft will have an open invite to all cyclists to help clean up I-Street as we do twice a year now since 2005.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Master and The Grasshopper
Friday, April 4, 2008
Fontana, CA NORBA National
Thursday, March 6, 2008
24 Hours in the Old Pueblo
We got down there late Thursday night and set up camp, a bunch of tents and an easy-up shelter complete with heaters and lights. And lots of beer. Sweet. Woke up Friday morning to the biggest snowflakes I've ever seen! It's major desert down there (cacti lining the course), so it was pretty amazing. Chollas and prickly pears were totally coated in white, and the mountains behind us in the photo were covered. Fortunately, though, the sun came out the next morning and dried up the course in time for the noon LeMans start. I got to do the run, and it was so cool dashing through the desert with 500 others, with spectators screaming and lining the course. The track is about 17 miles long, mostly singletrack, winding through tight cactus sections, and climbing up to a saddle in the mountains before diving back to 24 hour town. We stayed steady all night long, I got the sunrise lap which was maybe the greatest hour of riding I've ever done in my life. Super fun, riding straight towards the lightening sky, then cresting the top of the climb just as the sun broke above the horizon. My girls and I wound up getting second to the Kenda/Titus pro girls, so we were happy with that. Not bad for a snowy February...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
NorCal High School Series Race Schedule
1) March 2- Central Coast Invitational (Fort Ord)
2) March 9- Granite Bay (Folsom Lake)
3) March 30- South Bay Invitational (Grant Ranch)
4) April 13- Iron Angels (Angles Camp)
5) May 4- Carrera Del Toro (Toro Park, Salinas)
6) May 18- State Championship (Bogg's Mountain)